Support for AutoRun Wizard

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AutoRun Wizard FAQ

Q: My AutoRun is not working on my computer, why? (For Windows 95, 98 or ME) (53,604 views)

It is possible for AutoRun to be turned off. To Enable and Disable AutoRun on Windows 95, 98 or ME please follow these instructions:

To disable the feature that allows CD-ROMs and audio CDs to run automatically simply Click Start, select Settings, select Control Panel, and then double-click on the System icon.

Click on the Device Manager tab, click the CDROM branch in the list. Next double-click the entry for your CD-ROM drive and select the Settings tab

Under the options you will see a checkbox option for Auto Insert Notification. If this is CHECKED AutoRun is enabled, if it is UNCHECKED AutoRun is disabled.

After you make changes, please be sure to restart your computer.

Go back to the FAQ for AutoRun Wizard.